2023 Donors

Thank you to the many sponsors who have committed on-going support to Forests Today & Forever in the form of financial contributions and volunteer support. We are able to operate high-quality forestry education programs because of their dedication to our mission of promoting forest stewardship through education. 2023 donors are listed below.


BENEFACTORS ($10,000 and up)

International Paper
N B and Jacqueline Giustina Fnd.

Oregon Forest Resources Institute

CHAMPIONS ($5,000-$9,999)

Autzen Fnd.
IMA Fnd.
Jones, Ashley

Roseburg Resources
Sierra Pacific Industries

SPONSORS ($2,500-$4,999)

Chambers Foundation
Friends of Paul Bunyan Fnd.
Giustina Land & Timber
Giustina Resources
Timber Products
L & B Reforestation
Moss Adams
Murphy Company
Olsson Electric
Willamette Valley Company

Papé Machinery
Rosboro Lumber
States Industries
Teevin Brothers

ASSOCIATE SPONSORS ($1,000-$2,499)

Albert B. and Jean E. Hallstrom Family Fund
Bowers, Sue & Dick
Brian Kirkpatrick Logging
Cascade Timber Consulting
Coast Road Construction
Garrett Construction
Geyer, Eric & Nancy
Gleaves Swearingen
HeliQwest International
Hull-Oaks Lumber
IFA Nurseries
J Davidson & Sons
Kernutt Stokes
Lane Forest Products
Lane Small Woodlands Assn.
Lone Rock Resources
Oregon Community Fnd.
Oregon Wildlife Foundation
Sierra Pacific Fnd.
Starfire Lumber
Starker Forests
Strata Forestry
Sucre, Eric
Swanson Group
The Woodard Family Fnd.
Transition Management
Tyree Oil
The Woodard Family Fnd.
Woliver, Walt & Ashlee Cribb
Zip-O-Log Mills

SUPPORTERS ($500-$999)

Blachly-Lane Electric Co-op
Campbell Global
Century Forest Management
Cramsey, Dave & Helene
Drago Brothers Logging
Evergreen Engineering
Fearn, Roger
Ireland Trucking
KPD Insurance
M.O. Nelson & Sons

Lewis River Nursery
M.O. Nelson & Sons
Madera Northwest
Mason Bruce & Girard
Oakridge Sand & Gravel
Oregon Women in Timber
Pacforest Supply
Parvin, Monica
Petersen Cat
Port Blakely
Powell, Dick
Rexius Forest Products
Shiloh Forestry
Sullivan-Astor, Amanda
Tuers, Stacey & Kevin
Thompson Tree Farm
Wartenbee Trucking
Wilbur-Ellis Aviation
Zenn, Rick

FRIENDS (up to $499)

Advanced Drainage Systems
Amazon Smiles
Barnum, Paul
Barnum, John
Bivens, Danny
Cafferata, Steve & Wylda
Chesser, Judy
Cole Resources Management
Dave Edwards Surveying
Fain, Rebecca
Feist, Rob
Frambes Family Farm

Fred Meyer
Funk, Rob
Garner, Emma
Irwin, Carlyn
Jones, Matt
Lindly, Denise
McMahon, Bill
Olson, Jeanne
Oregon Forest Mgt.
Price, Ken
Radke, Emily



Raleigh, Cathy
Ready, Elizabeth
Roddy, Tiffany
Rosboro Lumber
Ryder, Jordan
Scanlon, Mike
Sevits, Matt
Steinhauer, Chad
Swift, Pam
Western Helicopter Services
Wildlife Society, Oregon Chapter
Wynkoop, Bill


Tom Bauman & Lindsay Reaves donated forestland for FTF programs

901 volunteer hours were donated by industry and agency professionals

Kelley Connect donated printing of our quarterly newsletter

KPD Insurance donated conference room for board meetings

Above All Sanitation donated sanitation services

Bauman Tree Farm

Bauman Tree Farm, located near Crow, OR, is a 672-acre working tree farm, owned and operated by Tom Bauman and his wife Lindsay Reaves. The tree farm has been in the family for three generations and is a certified Family Forest by the American Tree Farm System. Tom and Lindsay manage the forest and all aspects of timber harvest and reforestation, habitat restoration, and wildlife protection. Douglas-fir is the primary timber species.

Tom and Lindsay are passionate about education and generously donate their property for our programs. Forests Today & Forever truly could not do its important work in forestry education without Tom and Lindsay’s enthusiastic support, as upward of 90% of our programs are delivered at Bauman Tree Farm. This great partnership has led Lindsay to take a more of an active role with FTF, and in 2012, Lindsay began as part-time staff.

Past Educational Sites

Thank you to the small woodland owners who have generously donated their forests for educational use over the years:

Petersen Tree Farm
Hooker Tree Farm
Happy Valley Tree Farm
Huntington Tree Farm